Peering Into a Hunter: Vampires of the World

At the beginning of this informational document, I believe it would be courteous to introduce myself. I am Chris Young, a long-time collector of Vampire information. Over the years, through my studies, I have collected quite a large amount of vampire information, both mythical, and factual. Now, some of you may be think at this point that by factual, I mean pieces of medical information that I will use to attempt to prove or disprove the existence of vampires. In all actuality, I will keep my own personal beliefs on the subject to myself. I encourage you to read the ENTIRE document before making any rash decisions about my writing, insights, or your own beliefs. This is to be an unbiased piece of writing, and my own beliefs will not enter into it. Or, at least, I will keep their entrance to a minimum; to completely exclude them would not be an easy task, if it were possible at all.

First, I feel that it is necessary to discuss what exactly is a vampire? This should be a simple enough question to answer, but it is not. Different cultures in different time periods believed different things. By combining all of the beliefs that I have gotten my hands on over time, weighing current beliefs a bit heavier than past beliefs, the answer comes out ever so lengthy. Most unstudied people believe a vampire to be a pale-faced creature of the night, which has two large fangs in place of a human's K-9 teeth, and drinks the blood of its victims. This is how a vampire is portrayed in the media today, and, to some extent, is a correct assumption.

There are actually three kinds of vampires believed to be in existence today. The first kind, being what I will call the Classic Vampire, is described above. This type of vampire uses its fangs to obtain blood from its victims for nutrients and self-preservation. This type of vampire is believed to be a bit paler than a typical human, and has a bit lower body temperature as well. I'm sure that anyone reading this is quite familiar with this type of vampire. Everyone was raised on these stories, and everyone has seen the movies, such as Nosferatu and Dracula. The interesting thing about this type of vampire is that, contrary to media portrayal, it can go out into sunlight, holy water has no effect, and garlic is simply scoffed at. However, this type of vampire is sensitive to sunlight (or any light, for that matter) and tends to prefer the dark. Among vampire believers and scholars, there is a large argument over whether this type of vampire is immortal or not. Some believe it to be simply accelerated in its life span, and others believe it to be truly immune to aging completely. As for the destruction of the Classic Vampire, it is highly improbable that any type of wooden stake or reflective mirror will take effect. This type of vampire is extremely resistant to heat and cold, and nothing less than absolute zero, or fire would have any effect. Typically, the destruction of a Classic Vampire would consist of combustion, dismemberment, or complete flattening of the body (such as being smashed by a 20-ton weight). A Classic Vampire does typically possess powers over mortals. Physically, the Classic Vampire is much stronger than a mortal man, and is much faster and much more agile. How much more typically depends on the age of the particular vampire. Mental abilities may include telepathy, telekinesis, or telepathic mind control over mortals. These abilities do not come naturally to a Classic Vampire, and must be studied thoroughly. For some vampires, these abilities come easily, for others in a more difficult fashion, and still others not at all. Typically, a Classic Vampire is believed to be "made" from a human who has had his/her blood fully drained by another vampire, and then ingests the "dark blood" of that vampire itself. This would be a willful act on the part of the vampire. Others believe that these vampires come about by a human dying, and rising from the grave. Those who accept these beliefs explain them in several ways. The most common being that suicide or separation from the Christian church causes these people to live an eternal life as a vampire, rather than obtain eternal rest and salvation through Jesus Christ. Other beliefs include the idea that living a particularly evil or heinous life, being crossed by a black cat after death, or being murdered and not attaining revenge for the murder, can cause this state of vampirism to take place. In the past, it is has been a common practice of people to burn, mutilate, or drive a stake through the heart of bodies after death to insure that this did not happen. Obviously, going by current belief, this probably had very little, if any effect.

The second type of vampire to be discussed is the Biological Vampire. This, simply defined, is the biological child of two vampire parents. Usually, these two parents would be two Classic Vampires, but not necessarily. This would be a rare occurrence, because it is commonly believed that when a mortal female becomes a Classic Vampire, she loses the ability to reproduce. This type of vampire is assumed to be a fluke or something to that effect. Through history, it was believed that these children could come about by an evil spirit possessing a child at birth, or the child being born unto one or two servants of the devil, probably witches/warlocks. At the time, these children were identified by being born with teeth, or being born with a crown of hair already in place on its head. Sometimes these children, once identified, were killed. Other times, they were baptized in the church, in hopes of expelling the evil that plagued them. As for their physical appearance, it is undistinguishable from the Classic Vampire. The only noticeable difference in the Biological Vampire as opposed to the Classic Vampire, is its ability to remain in the sun for longer periods of time without being burned or badly weakened.

The third type of vampire that one might encounter in the world, is the Psychic Vampire. This type is probably the most common type, and could also prove to be the most intriguing. A Psychic Vampire is not like other vampires, in that it is totally human. The Psychic Vampire is, in fact, a human that has developed a means of draining energy from other living organisms. Whether this ability was developed through meditation, mentally altering drug usage, or inherited, it can be used by the Psychic Vampire to drain energy for its own use. In fact, a Psychic Vampire may not even be consciously aware that s/he possesses the ability to do so. In some cases, this ability is triggered automatically upon the vampire's hunger for energy, and begins draining the energy of those around the vampire. The Psychic Vampire, at this point, may feel energized, and have no idea why. The Psychic Vampire possesses no other specific traits, except that s/he is typically very intelligent. This, however, is not a necessity. An interesting twist, however, is that a human, being drained of his/her energy enough for a long period, can become a Psychic Vampire him/herself. Oddly enough, they may not even be aware of this transformation, and may unconsciously drain energy from others.

The fourth (and final) type, although I am reluctant to mention it here, is the Blood Fetish Vampire. Defined, a Blood Fetish Vampire is simply a human that has a strange attraction to blood. Although blood induces vomiting in humans, these Blood Fetish Vampires are able to swallow it. Blood cannot be digested by humans for energy, and is no different in these Blood Fetish Vampires, which pass the blood out in their dung, urine, and sweat gland excretions. There really is no explanation as to why certain humans have these blood fetishes, but some of the afflicted actually believe they are classic or Biological Vampires. They may bleach their skin lighter, sleep in coffins, or have their teeth capped to create fangs. Classic and Biological vampires, being immune to all forms of disease, have nothing to worry about by drinking blood. However, these Blood Fetish Vampires can contract AIDS, or any other communicable disease via the blood they ingest. This type of vampire (although some my not call it a vampire at all) currently remains a mystery to most.

By reading this document, I hope that you have set a few things clear in your mind. Vampires of the world typically arise in these four major forms, although the latter may be argued as simply an affliction or disease. The Classic Vampire is certainly the most commonly known, with the Biological Vampire coming a close second. As for the probability of the existence of vampires, the Psychic Vampire is most likely the most populated form, with the Classic Vampire coming a distant second. As for Blood Fetish Vampires, it is estimated that about one in every ten thousand humans could be considered such. Thank you for taking the time to read this information, and I certainly hope that it helps you in your studies. Please remember that this information is not public domain, and is owned by Chris Young, its author. If you have found this text, and wish to use it on an internet site or in any publication, please contact Chris Young via electronic mail at Once again, thank you for reading.

Author: Chris Young