
The Vampire Project is always looking for submissions of fact, fiction, lore, etc. Have an idea for a new feature or article? You are welcome to submit it.

Submission content can be just about anything that is about Vampires or Vampire-related. Vampires can be moral or amoral; traditional or unconventional; historical, contemporary, or futuristic; focusing on Vampires, hunters, donors, or victims - basically anything that involves Vampires. And because The Vampire Project is open to all dark creatures, submissions of other content are also accepted and encouraged. (i.e. Weres, Elves, Fae, etc.)

All material submitted to The Vampire Project is presumed to be for publication - by sending it to me, you give me permission to publish it, unless stated otherwise. All rights revert to the owner after publication. The Vampire Project strives for originality so please submit your own work. If it is not your work, please include proper credit and/or attribution.